children must live

Kenyan Chronicles 2.0 September, 16

Big and colorful posters with the alphabet, the structure of man and the Universe. We are sure that all these must be on the walls in any school. Even if the alphabet is for our students from the slums such an unknown Universe as it is drawn in the next poster, gradually they will fill all these black holes.
We also bought balls to donate to friendly shelters and medications to put into the school first aid kit 👀
After that we went to the giraffes for a while to see them and feed.🦒Giraffes, with their expressive eyes in frames of giant eyelashes, touched not all the members of our team. Our photographer said that they look like slobbering spotted cows with long necks 😉
After feeding the “slobbering cows”, we went to Polina. She is a friend of us and a curator of the “Embrace a Street Child” project. She told us about her troubled teenagers, the way they live …and run away …and sniff glue. Then come back, beaten and hungry, and again run away and sniff. But she anyway embraces them and does her best to help them keep living. This is an incredible project, it is really so
2021-09-16 20:00 #news #TaborSchool #KenyanChronicles #keniasept21 #projects