children must live

No classes again

Kenya's Ministry of Education recently announced that schools may open in November. And then only a few. Work will resume in stages. The first to start classes will be pupils of the fourth and eighth grades. The problem is that the country does not have an ability to conduct training in accordance with the COVID-19 protocols.
Education Minister George Magoha said that only three technical colleges are ready to resume their work in a "high epidemiological risk" regime. According to the minister, "about 50 percent of the institutions are on the way to resume work."
Students at Pastor Alfred Akumu's school in Kibera are also still at home meeting only twice a month. Meals which children received at school with the help of the fund, are delivered to their homes by the pastor.

Kenya is one of the countries where anti-COVID 19 measures were most drastic, especially at the start of the pandemic: up to severe beatings and even murders of curfew violators.
2020-09-16 13:30 #news